December 1, 2008

BHRF XIV, new winner

Sunday early morning, Mr. Albert Rufinus announced to the audience of BHRF XIV, that the first winner of the festival is not Phyto-Plankton, but For 3 band. Congratulation!

The festival ran well that day. With about 600 audiences came to the festival, it really made us grateful and proud of the event. 3 foreigners from Germany: Dorina, Mathias, and Sina also came to the festival! Even Dorina and Mathias watched the festival till the MC said: See you in the next year BHRF. Mathias told that he really enjoyed the festival, and is waiting for the concert of hard rock music!

We believe that it would be great if the winner of BHRF XIV can make the concert for the audience. By the way, as we've told in the beginning of this post, we have new winner of BHRF this year. Phyto-plantkon, in fact, couldn't stand on their position as the first. They have to face the fact that the judges have decided:

For 3 - The First Winner
Polos - The Second Winner
Phytoplankton - The Third Winner

That very early morning, we really felt great honor since the representative of Danrem could hand the big Turning Trophy directly to the winner. We also do really hope that for the next Borneo Hard Rock Festival, Danrem and the other sponsors and supporters of this event still believe us to conduct the festival, as well they believe us to cooperate again.

Well yeah. Keep Rockin', and see ya in the next Borneo Hard Rock Festival next year.

5 comment(s):

salam kenal.

selamat untuk para pemenang BHRF XIV.

Semoga rocker & Musisi Kal-Bar akan terus berjaya, berkarya, & memberikan kontribusisi positif bagi perkembangan musik di Kal-Bar dan Indonesia.

Hanafi Mohan

for the peserta BHRF, thanks utk keikutsertaan're the best we ever know...

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Untuk Panitia BHRF XIV, Selamat...
Telah Sukses nyelenggarain BHRF...
Jangan lupa bilang terima kasih ama senior yang ngasih masukkan...
Jangan pas susah mau ngadain kegiatannya, dicari-cari...
Udah selesai kayak udah ndak diperluin lagi

Salam hangat Heru Ma si Resad neeeee...ngape dak sekalian kemaren kasikan/ kasitau dimane admin kite bise dapatkan dokmentasi/history BHRF Teeee????