December 3, 2007

flash of English Pintar proposal

Seorang turis berkunjung ke Indonesia, mampir ke kota khatulistiwa tercinta, Pontianak Kalimantan Barat. Ketika melancong, sang turis menyapa salah satu warga Pontianak yang dijumpainya on the way. Beruntunglah, warga yang disapa ternyata bisa berbahasa Inggris.
Turis : “Excuse me, sir.” (Permisi, pak)
Warga : “Yes, What can I do for you?” (Ya, bisa saya bantu?)
Turis : “Could you tell me where I can find the center of learning English in this nice city?” (Dimana ya saya bisa temukan pusat pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kota yang indah ini?)
Warga : “Well, sir. It’s the right time for you to come to Pontianak at this time” (Yak, tuan. Anda datang ke Pontianak pada saat yang tepat)
Turis : “Is it? What’s new about English in Pontianak?” (Oh ya? Memangnya hal baru apa yang ada di Pontianak tentang Bahasa Inggris?)
Warga : “Soon, one of famous university in Pontianak, named Tanjungpura University, especially the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education is going to hold an event name English Pintar.” (Segera, salah satu universitas ternama di Pontianak, yaitu Universitas Tanjungpura, khususnya Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan akan menggelar sebuah kegiatan bernama English Pintar)
Turis : “Great. But, what is English Pintar?” (Hebat. Tapi, apa itu English Pintar?)
Warga : “You can check this proposal out, sir.” (Silahkan simak isi proposal ini, tuan)

Would like to know our proposal and be the part of EP's sponsor?

Contact the Project Manager
Dinie 05617001645

2 comment(s):

Should the sponsors solicited give materials or hard cash... or can they give only supports (I'm not talking about prayers), you know, like free publication through their own media, maybe?

yea, sponsors maybe do publication for free by their own media, why not?