February 4, 2009

Interview with Michael Green: The Man Behind the Day Zero Project (2)

by Diar Adhihafsari - 2002

Previously, Michael talked about how the Day Zero Project came up and nowhe explains his very own 101 Things to do in 1001 Days and more. Be inspired :)

Diar (D): Do you make 101 things to do of your own? If yes, could you please share some ofthe things from your list?

Michael (M): I'm on to my second list, having completed over 80% of the tasks on my first list within the time period. A number of the tasks on my lists reveal my passion for film, with challenges such as watching all Festival de Cannes award winners, and the IMDb Top 50 Westerns etc. To encourage me to get into the outdoors more I included a lot of challenges specific to my region -- go kayaking, camping, rollerblading, skiing, geocaching, spelunking etc.

I also created goals that leave scope for spontaneity -- one of mine was to travel to another continent. I had no clear destination in my head when I created the list, but last year ended up spending four months in South America. The goals don't all need to be grand, some of the other things I have done include observing local court in session, going to an outdoor sculpture exhibition, painting a self portrait, and hitting a bucket of balls at a golf driving range. Just the act of crossing an item off the list, regardless of its size, can be rewarding.

D: Would you keep running this project for good?

M: I do intend to keep the project running. I would like to come up with some supporting projects that also help and motivate people to add some challenges to their lives. It would be great to build a community of like minded people and somehow bring about collaborative goals. I'm exploring options at the moment, but I'm also aware that for a lot of people this is about a personal journey. I'm just happy to get feedback from people saying they have been inspired in some way by the project.

D: Any particular message/tips/anything you want to say to people out there who are doing this project?

M: I think the best tip I have to pass on to people who are looking at doing this project is really think a lot about what you want to achieve from it. Do you want to draw out a more adventurous sprit in yourself? Are you looking to challenge yourself to do things outside of your comfort zone? Are there things you always talk about wanting to do but never find the time for? Don't resort to putting down generic and non-specific goals down such as 'Lose Weight' or 'Get fit'. Push yourself to identify a what you really want to achieve, then create a plan on how to make regular progress towards it.

As I mention in one of the settings tips -- welcome failure. This is your biggest opportunity to learn, and it will make the success all the more satisfying.

Lastly, if your list is not fun then you will have no enthusiasm to complete it. Make each task something you look forward to achieving and remember that the journey is just as important as the end result.

So, are you ready to be more concrete in setting your personal and organizational goals? Give Day Zero Project website a visit NOW :)

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